Item: stained glass portal to the Ronald Room, the court of a grinning harlequin whose table overflows with low-quality processed meat, cheese, potatoes, and partially-gelatinated gum-based beverages. Also there is a ball pit.

Item: Fox Transformation Potion. Causes transformation into vulpine humanoid upon multiple consumptions. Alterations are piecemeal, overconsumption may result in permanent polymorphing into a non-intelligent fox, only reversible by a Limited Wish spell or above.

Aberrant polymorphic effects may occur upon combination with alternate potions, comically predictable effects will occur upon combination with Big Boob Cream.

Source: Artist by the handle of Gazongola

Item: Adhesive Hands of theft; can be used to steal any sort of paper object undetected, by making a sleight of hand check, only succeeds on scores above 19, and on crit fail causes the user to be hit by the hand, branding them as theives to all who know of the hand’s properties.