Item: bottle of Epiphany Vodka, containing fifteen shots. After taking a shot, if a character makes a Wisdom check within the next ten turns, they are automatically considered to have rolled a Nat 20. It is still vodka, so maybe avoid taking too many shots in too short a time (please adventure responsibly).


Jeff and Brenda decided to pop a nice bottle of cHAMpagne to celebrate his promotion.

Item: magnum bottle of cHAMpagne, full of curiously effervescent ham cubes that produce a jovial drunkenness; created by the party-god Dionysus and distributed by his chain of 24-hour diners.

Item: Ale of the Bishop’s Finger, brewed at a monastery with a real bishop’s finger in every batch–high-quality, flavorful, and rare, thanks to the fact that bishops only have so many fingers. The brewers and their bishops follow a lawful-neutral god fiercely opposed to mortals using magic, and for d4 hours per pint consumed, any magic user that attempts to cast a spell will instead uncontrollably urinate a pint of Holy Water. Additionally, for every hundred bottles, one of them will contain the bishop’s finger; roll save against choking on it.