
Pokemon lore is so crazy

Like see this guy, Probopass? A cartoonified Easter Island head with a bushy mustache?

Yeah, those little shapes on either side of the main head come off and fly around; they are called Mini-Noses and the big head controls them via magnetism. And what do they do?

So you’re telling me this thing is a predator??? And then there’s the uneasy fact that in the Pokemon world there do not seem to be any non-Pokemon animals, which is weird because Pokemon all seem to be semi-sentient, able to think and communicate. What the hell is this thing eating??? How does it eat them??? Does it just stuff them up its mustache???

Encounter: a Probopass, a living stone statue with magnetic powers; it is not known if they were constructed or are some form of Earth Elemental. True Neutral and uninterested in most conflicts, it prefers to live a simple, solitary life in underground ruins, using its three drones to catch centipedes, cave crabs, eyeless pallid salamanders, and whatever other subterranean vermin it can get.

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